
,2019年10月29日—YoucannowrunaSpeedtestfromyourcommandline.Weareproudtointroduceourlatest(andmostvisuallyminimal)application,SpeedtestCLI.,2022年6月14日—Using'speedtest-cli'onLinux·1)Openanewterminalwindow(onmostLinuxdistributionsyoucandothisquicklybypressingthectrl+alt+ ...,Commandlineinterfacefortestinginternetbandwidthusingspeedtest.net-sivel/speedtest-cli.,Commandlineinterfacefortestinginte...

Introducing Speedtest® CLI

2019年10月29日 — You can now run a Speedtest from your command line. We are proud to introduce our latest (and most visually minimal) application, Speedtest CLI.

How to Test Internet Speed from the Command Line on Linux

2022年6月14日 — Using 'speedtest-cli' on Linux · 1) Open a new terminal window (on most Linux distributions you can do this quickly by pressing the ctrl + alt + ...


Command line interface for testing internet bandwidth using speedtest.net - sivel/speedtest-cli.


Command line interface for testing internet bandwidth using speedtest.net.

manual page for speedtest

Run a speed test: speedtest-cli ; Run a speed test and display values in bytes, instead of bits: speedtest-cli --bytes ; Run a speed test using HTTPS , instead of ...


2014年1月11日 — speedtest-cli 指令是一個可以在終端機中直接測試網路速度的小工具,他本身是一個用Python 寫成的指令稿,使用Speedtest.net 的伺服器來做網路速度測試, ...

Speedtest CLI

Measure internet connection performance metrics like download, upload, latency and packet loss natively without relying on a web browser; Test the internet ...

Speedtest CLI by Ookla

speedtest - Speedtest CLI by Ookla is the official command line client for testing the speed and performance of your internet connection. Version. 1.0.0 ...